Every year openings come up on either or Elder or Director Boards as the term ends for one or more persons serving. The Nominating Team receives nominations from the membership and leadership recommending potential candidates to fill these positions. Once nominations have closed, the Nominating Team vets all successful candidates, and a slate is presented to the membership for approval at our June 2025 Membership Meeting.
Our Board of Elders and Board of Directors are made up of volunteers who work very closely with the rest of the Staff Leadership Team in seeking God’s direction for establishing vision and ensuring we have the means to achieve that vision.
The Elders provide spiritual oversight to our congregation including member care to set direction for mission and ministry. The Directors provide fiduciary oversight to BBC including, but not limited to such things as developing budgets, oversight and approval of facility related projects and policy development. The Elders and Directors, along with the Staff Leadership Team, form what we call the Core Leadership Team.
In order for an individual to be eligible to serve as an Elder or Director, they must be 18 years of age or older, a member of Bramalea Baptist Church, and meet the character requirements outlined in Scripture. In order to nominate someone, you must be 18 or older, and a member of Bramalea Baptist Church.
If you wish to nominate someone, please e-mail the candidate’s name, in confidence, to the Nominating Team Chair, Bob Fraser at, bob.fraser@rogers.com . Please do not contact the person you wish to nominate directly. Once eligibility has been established, the Nominating Team will contact the candidate.
Approximately 3-4 weeks prior to the Spring Members Meeting, a list of the final candidates will be published for the membership to provide an opportunity for any final feedback from the congregation prior to the meeting.